May 17th - Fruit of the Spirit - Patience
Genesis 12-21:7 - God’s promise to Abram (Abraham)
Sometimes God asks us to wait for something even though he's promised it to us.
God promised Abraham he would be the father of many people. But at a very old age, he was still without any children. Abraham and Sarah knew what God had told them, but they had yet to see evidence of the promise in their lives. How could Abraham become the father of many when he didn't have any children? Abraham and Sarah trusted God and they waited patiently for him. This doesn't mean they waited perfectly. They took matters into their own hands at times. But God's grace covered them, and he still fulfilled his promise, in his perfect timing.
Abram (later changed to Abraham) was 75 years old when God first promised him that he would be the father of many nations. At that time, he and his wife Sarai (later changed to Sarah) did not have any children. They had to wait another 25 years before their son Isaac was born!
God asked Abram to pack up and leave his family, friends and country and travel to a land that he had prepared for him. God said, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you.” So, Abram at 75 years old, went. He arrived in Canaan and God said, “I will give this land to your offspring.” Abram built an altar to God there before continuing his journey. He came back into the land of Canaan where he and his nephew Lot separated, each claiming part of the land as their own. Then God said to Abram “Look all around you. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so if anyone could count the dust, they would also be able to count your offspring.” Sometime later God took Abram outside at night and said “Look up at the sky and count the stars – if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be.” (Offspring means your children and your children’s children and their children and so on.)
When Abram was 99 years old, God appeared to him and told him “You will be the father of many nations. Your name will be Abraham and I will make nations of you and kings will come from you. The whole land of Canaan I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants; and I will be their God. And as for your wife, she will now be called Sarah. I will bless her, and she will be the mother of many nations, kings of peoples will come from her.”
Abraham laughed saying as he was now 99 years old and Sarah 90 years old, they were too old to have children. God said “You and Sarah will have a son and you are to name him Isaac. He will be born this time next year.”
The Lord was gracious to Sarah and he did what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son, at the very time God had promised. They named him Isaac.
Memory Verse
MV #16
Abraham waited patiently until God gave him a son as he had promised. Hebrews 6:15 TLB
Abraham waited patiently until finally God gave him a son, Isaac, just as he had promised. Hebrews 6:15 TLB
Kumara house plant
Jar or Glass
Water (non-chlorinated)
Wash the kumara gently but thoroughly.
Insert toothpicks into the sides of the kumara about 1/3 of the way down.
Place the kumara into the jar.
Fill the jar with water.
In about 10-15 days, the kumara will begin to bud.
For the next 3 to 6 months, vines will grow from the kumara.
You can train the vines to climb up or around whatever you choose.
Carrot greens
Carrot greens can be regrown from carrot tops.
They are a bit bitter but when chopped up together with garlic and sweetened with vinegar, they can be used in salads; or just have an attractive house plant.
Option 1
Have the carrot tops put in a dish that has little water
Place the dish in a room that is well-lit or on a windowsill
Pick when ready
Option 2:
Cut about 2cm from the top of a carrot.
Leave the cut end to dry for 3-4 days before planting in soil.
Cover most of the carrot leaving just the crown showing in the soil.
Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
Leaves will grow within days but may take 10-14 days depending on warmth and weather conditions.
Remember patience is the key!